What is the best tide to fish in Buoy 10?

Buoy 10 is an unassuming shipping marker at the mouth of the Columbia River that, each year, lures anglers from Oregon and Washington to pursue still-abundant coho and Chinook salmon. The fishery is so popular that it has drawn a cadre of guides and charter boats. While some people fish the area independently, many more take advantage of Buoy 10 fishing guides and charters, who often charge more per day than the self-guided option but save time and effort for their clients.

Salmon fishing at Buoy 10 buoy 10 fishing report usually opens in late August or early September, and is set annually, but the number of salmon arriving at the mouth can change this date. Check the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife website for updates.

A few tips for Buoy 10 fishing:

1). Bring a life jacket. Many people fall overboard while fishing Buoy 10, and some die each year as a result. A life jacket will not only help keep you safe in the event of a fall, but also allows you to get back on board if you are knocked off the boat.

2) Pay attention to the tides. The best times to fish at Buoy 10 are during high slack and ebbing tides. High slack tides mean fish are suspended in the water column and will bite as you move your bait or lure through it. The ebbing tide is rough and can make it difficult to stay in your boat. Stay close to takeouts like Hammond during this period, especially if a west wind is blowing.

3). Use a flasher. The most popular flasher at Buoy 10 is Big Al’s Fish Flash(r), which generates horizontal strobe-like flashes of light as it spins. It’s effective on a Delta diver, behind a free-sliding spreader or on its own with a herring as an attractor. Ramsey uses a herring, either whole or plug-cut, on his Flasher, along with a bead chain swivel and four feet of mooching leader. He also ties a snap about two feet behind the herring to hold it in place.

4). Remember to tag your catch. The state of Oregon requires you to have a tag and Columbia River Basin Endorsement (CRBE) when you fish for salmon at Buoy 10. You can obtain tags online and offline.

The Buoy 10 management area extends from the red navigation marker numbered 10 to the white church up on the Washington shore at Church Hole, and then north to Tongue Point. This fourteen-mile section is where fall salmon stage before heading upriver to spawn. The daily bag limit is two salmon, including up to one hatchery coho and one fin-clipped chinook.